Online IB ESS tutor

il y a 1 mois

Waterloo, Belgique Temps partiel
Hello, My name is Alix, I am a senior doing the High School Diploma in an IB School. Since I was new this year, my school has decided I only have to be tested on the Units we've seen this year and not catch up the first year I did not attend, which leaves me with units: 3,4,5,6,7,8. I particularly struggle with understanding and applying the material in essay questions, my teacher hasn’t been of great help and I require tutoring in order to get a good grade in the class. If possible, I would like to have 2 hour classes twice a week, but I am completely open to suggestions. Thank you, Alix

Level: Grade 12

Gender Preference: None

Meeting options:
Available online - via skype etc.