Hsp A27/2023
il y a 1 semaine
The CHU Saint-Pierre is a local public hospital, offering high quality care accessible to all. In this context, we take up the challenges of public health on a daily basis while demonstrating our university character through active involvement in teaching and research. What characterizes us is our ability to adapt to social realities, our tolerance, our free examination, and our ability to mobilize on a daily basis for patients from Brussels and from all origins. Our quest for excellence in cutting-edge medicine and our multidisciplinary approach, particularly within our various themed clinics, make our hospital a reference both nationally. Our main resource? Our employees, who are the ambassadors of the 5 values that govern all our daily activities: respect, innovation, commitment, quality and solidarity.
The radiology department at CHU Saint-Pierre offers a full range of medical imaging examinations, specifically tailored to adults and children, for both planned and emergency inpatient and outpatient treatment.
The department has some twenty radiologists and about twice as many technologists.
It is spread over two sites, a main site at Porte de Hal on Rue Haute and a site a few hundred metres away on Rue des Alexiens.
The Porte de Hal site is an acute hospital site and the Alexiens site is a chronic hospital site.
The department includes the following procedures, which together account for more than 100,000 examinations per year:
- Three CT-scan rooms;
- 2 x Siemens, SOMATOM Definition AS, 64 slices, one on the Alexiens site
- 1 x Siemens, SOMATOM Definition AS, 128 slices
- Four adult ultrasound rooms;
- A paediatric ultrasound room;
- Four X-ray rooms, including one in the emergency department and one on the Alexiens site;
- A digestive room;
- An angiography room;
- An MRI room General Electric, Optima 1.5T DV MR450w 32CH (with an adult and paediatric preparation room);
- An interventional radiology room;
- Two mammography machines and three ultrasound scanners linked to senology on the Alexiens site.
The department is on call 24 hours a day and works closely with a large emergency department (more than 70,000 emergencies a year), which treats all urgent pathologies, including many polytraumas; it collaborates with neurology for strokes and is involved in the development of a large intensive care unit covering surgical, medical and intensive coronary care aspects.
It plays an important role in diagnosing infectious diseases for which the CHU Saint-Pierre is a reference hospital (tuberculosis, MERS corona virus, etc.).
It is responsible for diagnosing children admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit and paediatrics, with support from the anaesthetics department where necessary.
It is responsible for the protocol of PET_CT scans.
The department also carries out fine-tuning for a large paediatric department which, in addition to a large emergency department (more than 20,000 emergencies a year), includes a large polyclinic sector and 40 paediatric hospital beds.
It provides medical imaging services for a large adult polyclinic sector (more than 400,000 consultations each year).
Finally, it is a stakeholder in the EUSOMA-accredited breast clinic, guaranteeing compliance with all associated radiological quality standards.
For the rest of the oncology activity, radiologists are stakeholders in the Concertations Multidisciplinaires d'Oncologie, which cover all areas of oncology, with around 1,200 new cancers each year.
The Head of Radiology reports to the Medical Director and the Medical Board for the practice of the medical art and the quality of care in the Radiology Department. The department head is responsible for the proper management of the radiology department; he coordinates with the emergency department and hospital wards of the CHU Saint-Pierre to carry out, in the sectors of activity that require it, within the required deadlines, the radiological investigations requested by these services. He also organises all outpatient examinations for the different procedures.
He supervises the medical staff in all activities relating to the practice of care and is responsible for the continuity of care, the organisation and smooth running of the department and the evaluation of medical and paramedical activity, all under the authority of the hospital's medical and general management and in collaboration with the hospital's other bodies and the department's staff.
He promotes, organises and structures research activities within the department; he allocates the necessary funding in line with the department's and the institution's objectives.
In consultation with the training supervisor, he is responsible for training radiology assistants and Master of Medicine students coming to the department for training by organising continuing education courses and seminars, where necessary, in consultation with their respective training supervisors.
He works closely with
Hsp A27/2023
il y a 1 semaine
Brussels, Belgique CHU Saint-Pierre UMC Sint-Pieter Temps plein**Onderneming**: Het UMC Sint-Pieter is een openbaar buurtziekenhuis waar iedereen voor kwalitatief hoogstaande medische zorgen terechtkan. Vanuit die missie gaan wij dagelijks de uitdagingen van de volksgezondheid aan. Door actief te investeren in onderzoek en onderwijs zijn wij trouw aan ons universitair karakter. Wat ons typeert, is ons vermogen om ons...
Hsp A05/2023
il y a 2 semaines
Brussels, Belgique CHU Saint-Pierre UMC Sint-Pieter Temps plein**Onderneming**: Het UMC Sint-Pieter is een openbaar buurtziekenhuis waar iedereen voor kwalitatief hoogstaande medische zorgen terechtkan. Vanuit die missie gaan wij dagelijks de uitdagingen van de volksgezondheid aan. Door actief te investeren in onderzoek en onderwijs zijn wij trouw aan ons universitair karakter. Wat ons typeert, is ons vermogen om ons...
Hsp A32/2023
il y a 5 jours
Brussels, Belgique CHU Saint-Pierre UMC Sint-Pieter Temps plein**Onderneming**: Het UMC Sint-Pieter is een openbaar buurtziekenhuis waar iedereen voor kwalitatief hoogstaande medische zorgen terechtkan. Vanuit die missie gaan wij dagelijks de uitdagingen van de volksgezondheid aan. Door actief te investeren in onderzoek en onderwijs zijn wij trouw aan ons universitair karakter. Wat ons typeert, is ons vermogen om ons...