PhD molecular and computational neurogenomics

il y a 4 semaines

Antwerp, Belgique Universiteit Antwerpen Temps plein

Let’s shape the future - University of Antwerp

The is a dynamic, forward-thinking, European university. We offer an innovative academic education to more than students, conduct pioneering scientific research and play an important service-providing role in society. We are one of the largest, most international and most innovative employers in the region. With more than employees from different countries, we are helping to build tomorrow's world every day. Through top scientific research, we push back boundaries and set a course for the future – a future that you can help to shape. 

The Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences is looking for a full-time (%)  PhD in the field of  Molecular and Computational Neurogenomics


We are a highly motivated international team of researchers at the (Jordanova Lab) and the (Malysheva Lab) at the VIB CMN. We are excited to announce a call for a joint PhD student in our labs to work on a challenging project at the interface of neurodegeneration, genomics, computational and systems biology.

The overarching goal of this proposal is to understand why and how dysregulation of omnipresent and constantly expressed ARS proteins leads to dying-back neurodegeneration and affects specifically the peripheral neurons (PNs). This neuronal population contains the most polarized cells in our body and their sophisticated morphology and function render them highly susceptible to degeneration. The preliminary data generated in-house as well as the available public data suggest mechanisms involving genetic, epigenetic and chromatin organisation factors governing the cell-type specific response to ARS mutations. Therefore, an integrative genome-wide cis-regulatory network analysis approaches, developed and employed in the Malysheva Lab, are required to reveal these mechanisms.

With the proposed project we aim to bridge this gap in our knowledge of cis-regulatory mechanisms underlying this disease and reveal the mechanisms underlying the strong cell-type specific effect of the CMT-causing YARS mutations. For this we will generate high-resolution spatial chromatin organisation, chromatin accessibility and gene expression data for all major cell types forming the peripheral nerve environment (as well as controls), generated from the patient-derived iPSCs and integrate these data into the cis-regulatory networks. Following cis-GRN network reconstruction and formal graph analysis, we will identified key regulatory factors governing cell-type specific reponse to CMT-causing mutations. Finally, we will validate the identified key (epi)genetic molecular and eplore their therapeutic potential in in vitro and in vivo disease models.


You have an MSc in Systems Biology, Molecular Biology, Natural Sciences or related disciplines You are motivated and enthusiastic to learn and expand both computational and experimental skill set You have an analytical mindset You are able to summarize data extracted from the literature and clearly shape research objectives You are able to efficiently communicate with experimental and computational scientists You have excellent communication and writing skills in English

Required skills

confident in basic molecular biology techniques, such as cell cultures, basic genomics data generation knowledge of (theory behind) gene regulatory mechanisms and multimodal data integration basic/intermediate programming skills in R and/or python Ability to adapt to the research environments while being full members of two labs

Desirable skills

statistical analysis basic processing of NGS data experience with iPSC and/or cell culturing knowledge of and some experience with genetic perturbation assays, such as CRISPR

What we offer

As part of the and , the applicant will benefit from established collaborations and access to centralized facilities with expertise in genomics, functional genomics and cell biology, proteomics, cutting-edge microscopy, structural biology, technology development, and bioinformatics.

VIB provides a highly interactive environment and ample training opportunities for its researchers. In addition, the VIB-UAntwerp Center for Molecular Neurology is located in the city of Antwerp, the capital of Flanders, offering a culturally and historically rich, and ethnically diverse environment.

The VIB-UAntwerp Center for Molecular Neurology has 7 PIs and hosts internationally recognized leaders in the field of Neurogenetics and Neuroinflammation. Current research groups address a broad set of questions related to neurodegenerative diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, with an emphasis on understanding the genetic etiology and developing diagnostics and treatment methods for these diseases. Approaches range from human genetics, genomics, protein biochemistry and neuronal and glial cell biology to integrative systems and computational biology. Models include yeast, fly, mouse, and pluripotent human cell systems. Research groups have access to state-of-the-art research and top-notch support core facilities and attract talented international scientist from across the world. 

By the end of the PhD the successful candidate will graduate with a highly competitive set of experimental and computational skills, such as generation and characterization of patient-derived cell-type specific samples, state-of-the-art molecular biology techniques, multimodal data generation and integration, gene regulatory network reconstruction and wide range of machine learning approaches The host labs will provide financial support for the whole length of the PhD. Access to state-of-the-art infrastructure and core facilities in a vibrant, world-class research environment operating at an international level Dedicated training programs available through VIB and UAntwerp to broaden your expertise and enhance your skillset A stimulating and international research environment A strong and dynamic network of international collaborators The planned start date is as soon as possible. Your monthly scholarship amount is calculated according to the for doctoral scholarship holders on the pay scales for Contract Research Staff (Dutch: Bijzonder Academisch Personeel, BAP). You will receive ecocheques, Internet-connectivity allowance, and a bicycle allowance or a full reimbursement of public transport costs for commuting. You will do most of your work at Campus Drie Eiken in a dynamic and stimulating working environment. Find out more about working at the University of Antwerp . The selection committee reviews all applications as soon as possible after the application deadline. As soon as a decision is made, we will notify you. If you are still eligible after the pre-selection, you will be informed about the possible next step(s) in the selection procedure.

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