Trainee Operations, Training and Exercises

il y a 2 semaines

Bruxelles, Région de Bruxelles, Belgique European Defence Agency Temps plein

The European Defence Agency (EDA) was established on 12 July 2004, and is governed by Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1835 defining the statute, seat and operational rules of the European Defence Agency. The Agency has its headquarters in Brussels.

The main task of EDA is to support the Council and the Member States in their effort to improve the Union's defence capabilities in the field of crisis management and to sustain the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as it currently stands and as it develops in the future.

The Agency is structured into four directorates. The Corporate Services Directorate (CSD) and three operational directorates: Industry, Synergies and Enablers (ISE); Capability, Armament & Planning (CAP); Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI).


The Agency is an "outward-facing" organisation, constantly interacting with its shareholders, the participating Member States, as well as with a wide range of stakeholders. It works in an integrated way, with multi-disciplinary teams representing all of the Agency's functional areas, to realise its objectives. Its business processes are flexible and oriented towards achieving results. Staff at all levels need to demonstrate the corresponding qualities of commitment, flexibility, innovation, and team-working; to work effectively with shareholders and stakeholder groups, formal and informal; and to operate without the need for detailed direction.


EDA's traineeship programme is addressed to university graduates, including those who, in the framework of lifelong learning, have recently obtained a university diploma and are at the beginning of a new professional career.

The aim of EDA's traineeship programme is:

to introduce recent graduates to the professional world and enable them to apply knowledge acquired during their studies, particularly in their specific areas of competence.
to create a pool of young people with first-hand understanding of EDA's mission and activities.
to enrich the work of EDA with a fresh point of view and up-to-date academic knowledge.
to promote European integration and create awareness of European citizenship in a multi-cultural and multilingual environment.

While at EDA, trainees will be working side by side with motivated and highly qualified experts coming from the participating Member States and they will have the opportunity to contribute to specific projects within the Agency.


The Industry Synergies & Enablers (ISE) Directorate supports a range of activities critical to collaborative defence capability development in Europe.

On top of leading the work on identifying together with Member States' Key Strategic Activities (KSA) at EU level, the ISE Directorate is responsible for the effective engagement with industry across the Agency's activities and in support of related priorities set by Member States.

The ISE Directorate facilitates work to address the implications of EU legislation and policies for the defence sector: REACH, procurement, funding instruments and the analysis of developments influencing governmental and industrial stakeholders. The Directorate is responsible for activities on critical enablers to support defence cooperation and enhance interoperability: military airworthiness, standardisation and certification, defence test & evaluation and education and training. The Directorate provides support to CSDP military and civilian operations and missions and EU Battlegroups.

The Directorate facilitates the coordination of military views from and in support of Member States and the relevant international military organisations in the framework of Single European Sky (SES) and acts as the interface with the EU institutions and related bodies. In the wider context of military aviation, the Directorate supports Member States in their efforts to enable RPAS integration in non-segregated airspace and in harmonising military aviation safety issues using the Total System Approach to Military Aviation.

The ISE Directorate comprises four Units:

The Industry Strategy & EU Policies (ISP) Unit: engagement of industry in the activities of the Agency, determination of Key Strategic Activities at EU level, defence aspects of EU policies varying from legislation (REACH, procurement) to funding instruments
The Critical Enablers (CRE) Unit: support defence cooperation and enhance interoperability through the identification, development and maintenance of harmonized safety, certification and standardisation requirements, references to the best practice standards and networking of Defence Test & Evaluation capabilities in all military domains
The Single European Sky (SES) Unit: facilitation and coordination of military views in the framework of SES; interface with the EU institutions and related bodies to ensure that Military Aviation will continue to provide and further improve effective security and defence in Europe in the changing context of the civil aviation sector
The Operations, Training & Exercises (OTE) Unit: promotion of the use in CSDP operations of all relevant EDA projects & programmes; development and management of contracted solutions to support CSDP operations and Member States; initiation, development and management of training and exercise activities for rotary and fixed-wing aircraft, including RPAS, with a view to transfer these activities to Member States when mature.

This position will support the activities of the Operations, Training and Exercises Unit (OT&E), but with main focus on the Rotary Wing and the EU SatCom Market programme.

The EU SatCom Market (ESM) goals are:

to provide cost effective commercial Satellite Communications (SatCom) and Communications and Information System (CIS) solutions for members;
to reduce costs, ease access, and improve operational efficiency for members (see ESM factsheet).

By pooling the demand, the project efficiently and effectively provides commercially available SatCom and CIS services to members EDA Member States, CSDP operations and missions, EU bodies), contributing to the overall operational efficiency. The project constitutes an efficient pay-per-use solution that does not impose any binding financial commitments beyond services requested. It is quick and flexible, reducing the administrative burden for members who do not have to run their own bidding processes since they can rely on EDA framework contracts.

On behalf of the contributing members, EDA administers the project and manages framework contracts, service requests, invoicing, etc. Through this, EDA brings a clear added value both to contributing members and EU defence.

The Rotary Wing programme goals are:

to enhance European helicopter operational capability for crisis management operations through the pooling and sharing of experience, training opportunities and organisational costs, and the development of agreed common tactics, techniques, and procedures to better meet the challenges of flying helicopters in the joint and combined modern operational environment;
to support Member States with rotary wing initiatives and programmes which will facilitate the preparation of EU military units for future multinational and overseas deployments. 6. TASKS AND DUTIES

Under the supervision of the Project Officer in charge, the trainee will work in close contact/cooperation with project members and other stakeholders, undertaking the following tasks:

For ESM:

the preparation, ordering and follow up of orders for satellite communications services;
the preparation, evaluation and follow up of Framework Contracts for Satellite Communications and Communication and Information System (CIS) services;
the preparation, evaluation and follow-up of Specific contracts for Communication and Information System (CIS) services;
the monitoring of financial issues, calls for contributions, invoices and payments;
the set-up, execution and follow-up of meetings with project members and industry;
updating and developing the project's websites, including the project's IT tool for ordering SatCom services).

For the EDA helicopter programmes:

to support the transition process of the EDA helicopter programmes (the Helicopter Exercise Programme (HEP), the Helicopter Tactics Course (HTC) programme and the Helicopter Tactics Instructors Course (HTIC) programme to the MHTC;
to assist the Project Officer Rotary Wing (PO-RW) in providing the necessary support to the Multinational Helicopter Training Centre (MHTC) on the management of the MHTC programme and its activities until the Full Operational Capability of the centre is achieved, planned for the end of 2025;
to support the PO-RW and Member States on the creation of new initiatives and programmes related to the Rotary Wing capability and facilitate their integration at EDA;
to facilitate the closure of the HEP, HTC and HTIC programmes at EDA, including the drafting of the necessary reports and the archiving of the information.

In addition, the trainee may be asked to perform other similar tasks, if required, in support of the OT&E Unit.

A typical day at work includes the following activities:

contributing to the preparation of meetings to follow up services and contract execution as well as any other workshops and events as required;
keeping the project data updated on various web sites, including in the projects' IT tools;
managing and following up of financial activities including calls for contributions, invoices and payments for the projects;
performing administrative contractual work assessing offers and assuring allocation of funds for those services, in close contact with the project members and other stakeholders);
participating in meetings with different stakeholders to follow up services and programme execution;
ensuring coordination and communication with EU Member States, Civilian and Military Missions actors, training centres and contractors on the management of the programmes and their activities;
preparing meetings and drafting minutes of meetings.

A. Project outputs & learning outcomes

The trainee will gain experience from managing:

major projects in an international organisation in the defence area that includes a wide variety of stakeholders (Member States, EU bodies/operations/missions as well as industry);
large Framework Contracts for provision of CIS services including computer networks, terrestrial and satellite communications solutions with related services;
commercial and technical dialogue with defence industry suppliers;
the interaction with a major European hub for helicopter training cooperation.

B. Technical / Soft skills to be acquired

The trainee will acquire the following skills:

ability to work effectively in a small team and independently in his/her area of responsibility in a multinational/multicultural and complex environment; accuracy and attention to detail; flexibility and ability to communicate with different stakeholders government, military, and industry); analytical and report-writing skills; understanding of project management principles and practices, including result-oriented planning and project management IT tools; understanding of multinational governmental programmes; awareness of commercially available Satellite Communication and CIS services. 8. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA

To be considered eligible to take part in this selection procedure, on the closing date for the submission of applications candidates must satisfy all the eligibility criteria as specified below:

be a national of a Member State participating in the Agency; be entitled to his/her full rights as a citizen; produce the appropriate character references as to his/her suitability for the performance of his/her duties (extract from the "judicial record" or certificate of good conduct will be requested prior to recruitment); be physically fit to perform his/her duties; have a thorough knowledge (minimum level C1 oral and written) of one of the languages of the participating Member States and a satisfactory knowledge (minimum level B2 oral and written) of another of these languages to the extent necessary to discharge his/her duties; have no personal interest (financial, family relationship, or other) which could be in conflict with disinterested discharge of his/her duties within the Agency; hold, or be in a position to obtain, a valid Personnel Security Clearance Certificate (national or EU PSC at SECRET UE/EU SECRET level); have completed at least the first (minimum three-year) cycle of a higher education course (university education) and obtained a full degree or its equivalent by the closing date for applications; have not previously undertaken for more than six weeks a paid or unpaid traineeship or any kind of employment in another EU institution, Agency, or body.

Please note the following:

Age limit:

No age limit is imposed on the candidates for traineeships; however, as a matter of priority, traineeships are offered to recent university graduates.

UK nationality:

Due to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union on 31/01/2020, candidates from the United Kingdom who do not hold the nationality of another participating EU Member State, are not eligible.


For native English speakers, your ability to communicate in another EU language will be tested during the selection process. To assess your foreign language levels, see: Personnel Security Clearance (PSC):

This is a certificate issued by a competent authority establishing that an individual is security cleared and holds a valid national or EU PSC, and which shows the level of EUCI to which that individual may be granted access (CONFIDENTIEL UE/EU CONFIDENTIAL or above), the date of validity of the relevant PSC and the date of expiry of the certificate itself. Please note that the procedure for obtaining a PSCC can only be initiated by EDA on behalf of the selected candidate;

Non-EU diplomas:

Only diplomas that have been awarded in EU Member States or that are the subject of equivalence certificates issued by the authorities in the said Member States shall be taken into consideration. In the latter case, the authority authorised to conclude contracts of employment reserves the right to request proof of such equivalence. For diplomas awarded in non-EU countries, a NARIC recognition is required: UK diplomas:

Qualifications/diplomas awarded until 31/12/2020 in the United Kingdom are accepted without further recognition. For diplomas awarded after this date (from 01/01/2021), a NARIC recognition is required.


A. Essential

Candidates shall not apply for more than 2 trainee profiles and are requested to indicate an order of preference.

Only applications meeting all essential selection criteria will be assessed.

(1) Academic

The candidate will be required to demonstrate that he/she has a bachelor's degree (or equivalent academic degree) in one or more of the following areas: project management, engineering or sciences, OR a bachelor's degree (or equivalent academic degree) in other relevant areas with added courses or education related to the tasks to be performed.

(2) Linguistic

Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English (level C1/C2).

(3) Technical

Advanced IT literacy, particularly in MS Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook).

B. Desirable

The following will be considered an advantage:

experience from working in projects; knowledge of MS Office 365; knowledge of Microsoft SharePoint; experience in the management of contracts; knowledge and/or experience in invoicing and/or financial management. 10. INDEPENDENCE AND DECLARATION OF INTEREST

Trainees must exercise the greatest discretion regarding facts and information that come to their knowledge during the course of their training. They must not, in any manner whatsoever, disclose to any unauthorised person any document or information not already made public. They will be required to make a declaration of commitment to act independently in the Agency's interest and to make a declaration in relation to interests that might be considered prejudicial to their independence. They will continue to be bound by the obligation of confidentiality and professional discretion after the end of their training. EDA reserves its legal right to terminate the traineeship and to pursue any person who does not respect this obligation.


The traineeship is offered for a 1-year period.

Trainees are awarded an allowance month. Upon presentation of the proper justification, disabled trainees may receive a supplement to their allowance equal to a maximum of 50% of the amount of the allowance. The objective of this extra payment is to help disabled trainees to cover extra expenses transport, cost of special accommodation etc.) which may be required due to their disability.

Health and accident insurance is mandatory. Trainees shall be responsible for organising their own insurance against accident along with health cover and any insurance required for family members for the duration of the traineeship. Trainees whose place of origin is more than 50km from the place of employment are entitled to a reimbursement of travel expenses incurred at the beginning and end of the traineeship. Travel allowances are paid at the end of the training period, provided the trainee has completed a minimum of 6 months of the traineeship.

In exceptional cases only, trainees may be sent on a mission provided that the mission is of a technical and not of a representative character. The authorisation shall be granted by the Director of the respective Directorate. For the reimbursement of these mission expenses, the general procedure of reimbursement provided in EDA's Staff Regulations will apply.

For further information on financial matters, read the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) on EDA's website: > Admission to a traineeship does not confer on trainees the status of temporary agents or other servants of the European Union nor does it entail any right or priority with regard to future engagement in the Agency. Trainees cannot benefit from any privileges and immunities granted by the host country to temporary agents or other servants of the European Defence Agency.


Admission to a traineeship does not confer on trainees the status of temporary agents or other servants of the European Union nor does it entail any right or priority with regard to future engagement in the Agency. Trainees cannot benefit from any privileges and immunities granted by the host country to temporary agents or other servants of the European Defence Agency.

A person can only benefit from one traineeship experience at EDA. Traineeships are not renewable and may not, in principle, be extended. However, the Chief Executive may grant an extension at the end of each training period, which may not exceed six months. Requests for extensions will only be accepted if the budgetary appropriations and the capacity of the Directorate/Unit to accommodate trainees allow and if objectively justified in the interest of the service.

Regardless of the traineeship, trainees are entitled to participate as candidates in any selection procedures organised by the Agency, provided that they meet the requirements for doing so. If successful, they shall be entitled to a post accordingly.


EDA is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without distinction on the grounds of age, race, political, philosophical or religious conviction, sex or sexual orientation and regardless of disabilities, marital status or family situation.


Candidates shall not apply for more than 2 trainee profiles and are requested to indicate an order of preference.

Candidates must submit their application electronically solely via the EDA website. Applications by any other means (hard copy or ordinary e-mail) will not be accepted.

Applications must be submitted no later than midnight on the date of the deadline. Candidates are reminded that the on-line application system will not accept applications after midnight (Brussels time, GMT+1).

The Agency defines its requirements for each call and successful candidates are selected on the basis of the educational background, qualifications, competences, and motivation.

EDA's Human Resources Unit assesses compliance of applications with the eligibility criteria. The respective Directorates/Units assess applications against the selection criteria and shortlist a number of candidates that meet the requirements. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for a telephone interview.

Following the interviews, the Directorate/Unit will select the trainee who most closely meets the requirements of the specific profile.

If offered a traineeship, candidates will be requested to supply documentary evidence in support of the statements made in their application. Candidates are requested not to send any supporting or supplementary information until they have been asked to do so by the Agency.

Please note that once you have created your EDA profile, any correspondence regarding your application must be sent or received via your EDA profile. For any prior inquiry, please refer to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section, or send an e-mail to class="NoticeLabel"> 15. DATA PROTECTION

Please note that EDA will not return applications to candidates. The personal information EDA requests from candidates will be processed in line with Regulation (EU) N° 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) 45/2001 and Decision No. 1247/2002/EC.

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